Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Many of you have asked me...Will I gain the weight back once I go off Skinny Fiber? Here is Kimberly's Update and what she has to say about that!!!! Congratulations!!!! Just awesome!!!! 
"THIS IS ME My update I LOVE Skinny Fiber and this is why I have lost over 140 pounds using Skinny Fiber - and now I have been off of Skinny Fiber for 4 months and I have NOT gained any weight back I am a mom of 5 - all c-sections I NEVER thought I could do this - Skinny Fiber gave my system the boost it was missing. It is just that easy, Skinny Fiber, water and clean eating If I can do this ANYONE can”
You will love Skinny Fiber -you can order here! Click ORDER HERE
Get your Skinny on! 100% natural! NO wraps! NO shakes! NO fake food! NO hormones!! NO KIDDING!! 30 Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!!

Order your Skinny Fiber here----->

Warning....Skinny Body Care side effects warning: You may have to purchase New Clothes after trying this product... people that know you may take double or triple looks at you and you may find yourself spending a little more time in the mirror.

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**** Special****Get Skinny Fiber for HALF off when you purchase  the Buy 3, Get 3 free package!, plus we offer a 30 day empty bottle guarantee!
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Or: Go to my personal website at:

Friday, May 23, 2014

Congratulations Laura!!!

All Natural Weight Loss because Skinny Fiber is ALL Natural!

Get Your Healthy Back!

Whoo update Loss 40 pounds since Aug 2013 HI I am Laura here my story 2 years ago I was very depressed and ADHD I had no friends thought of suicide just wanted to fit in had no self esteem just didnt feel I fitted in anywhere was put on depression pills 3 different kinds gain weight like crazy hated them finally I could not take putting weight on anymore I still am on ADHD meds and taking 1 depression med Thanks to my MOM for showing me Skinny Fibre and I started to take it in Aug 2013 Wow the inches just started to melt away I weight 210 now 182 # and over 30 inches losing MY PANTS ARE GETTING LOOSE AND losing MY BELLY have more energy cant wait to look sexy feel better about myself losing weight thanks Skinny Fiber it really works so what you waiting for order yours today check it out

Thursday, May 22, 2014

JACKIE B!! Looking happier than ever!! 

She writes:

Pictures don't lie! This is my 90 Day Challenge results! I can't make this up….seeing is believing! I cleaned out my closet to donate a bunch of clothes that I no longer fit in and found this shirt that I haven't worn in almost a year...I decided to go through my old pictures and found one from July 4, 2013 and was blown away! So I took a picture of myself earlier today to compare the difference… and here you go! I really don't like posting ugly pictures of myself, but I post it to hold myself accountable...This goes to show that working out 25 minutes a day, (everyone has 25 minutes!), eating healthier, drinking lots of water, taking Skinny Fiber every day and staying committed shows results! Skinny Fiber is what catapulted my weight loss. I was stuck at a certain weight and wasn't losing with just the workout and eating healthy. I was frustrated and ready to give up. Then I was introduced to Skinny Fiber and like everyone else I started as a skeptic until the inches started melting right off! Needless to say, I am no longer a skeptic.

We all have busy lives and can easily fall off track of staying consistent, God knows I have, I'm not perfect...but we have to commit to ourselves and be an example for our children... So it doesn't matter if you're not an expert at working out or eating healthy, my first day of working out I was only able to do 5 min! And I cried... did I want to give up? Yes! but I said to myself, if I can do 5 today, I can do 10 tomorrow... it gets easier each day. I would never have been able to go through this journey alone without the help and support of my wonderful team! Love you guys!"

order your skinny fiber here ----> www,

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Amber Jennings

I finally got around to doing my final after picture for my 90 day challenge. It's amazing what a difference 17 pounds and over 21 inches makes on a 5'1" frame. I can only thank Skinny Fiber for the help I needed to get where I am!

We have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is $59.95. You could purchase two and get ONE FREE for $119.90. If you were to buy three you would get THREE FREE (best value) is $179.85. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund.

Monday, May 19, 2014

After having 4 kids I couldn't seem to get to a healthy weight. I tried EVERYTHING and nothing worked. Many diet pills, wraps, supplements, even had the personal trainer from hell and very strict diets, lol And I was sick of wasting my money on all these things that never worked and each time it would end with more weight on then when i started.
We didn't have a lot of money and being a family of 6 and one income to support us I really couldn't afford Skinny Fiber. Truth is I really couldn't afford another product that didn't work. I have a son who is sick, he has leukemia and trips to the hospital, meds etc were putting us in debt. I didn't want to contribute to that by buying a product that wouldn't work. But at the same time I knew if i found something that does work, I would be healthy and happy and my family would be so much better off because of it!
I researched for months and talked to my husband but still wasn't sure I wanted to take the plunge. To me it seemed like a huge risk, i don't think I EVER purchased any product online before and I just wasn't sure. No one I knew was even taking Skinny Fiber and many hadn't even heard of it!
One night i was on the computer, reading all the before and after stories and I messaged a distributor who said she was looking for people to join her team and asked her - how does this work? See I figured if i couldn't afford to buy Skinny Fiber every month, maybe I could afford my first bottle and then start selling to pay for my own supply, and maybe if i made enough i'd even share with hubby LOL
This was back last May and my life has been changed ever since! For one thing I was able to lose weight, but there were so many other positives that I did not expect. I had a huge increase in energy-this was almost as good as the weight loss, I felt better and I didn't crave all those foods I was before!! It was amazing!
But what was even more amazing is that i not only made enough to pay for my monthly bottle I made enough to support my family of 6 when hubby lost his job! I don't know what we would have done without this income, i am so grateful for finding this company!!
I wanted to tell you this because I hear so many people say they can't afford it or they don't know if they should buy it, so many excuses! If you want something bad enough YOU WILL FIND A WAY!!
I was tired of being overweight and feeling like crap all the time. So I did something I had never done before-took a risk-so that I could change my life for the better!

Jackie, you look GREAT!!!! Wow - DOWN 56 POUNDS!!!

"Like all of you I have had great results and feel great too! Down 56 pounds and over 40 inches. I love my Skinny Fiber!!"
Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No Stimulants, 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee!

══════ ☆ GET STARTED ON YOUR 90 DAY CHALLENGE!! ☆ ══════

Be sure to CLEAR your COOKIES BEFORE ordering!!!!

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WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..